April 14, 2015

Gorgeous day flying into Scammon Bay.
Finally a sunny day! And what a view flying from Chevak to Scammon Bay. We deserve this after five days of snow and fog.
The school at Scammon Bay is built on a hill. The truck that brought us up barely made it with us and gear and new snow on the ground.

Scammon Bay School parking lot.
It’s easy to get a sledding party together in Scammon Bay. Just go out with sleds and a pack of children and dogs appear out of nowhere. Serious fun!

Plenty of hills to go around in Scammon Bay.
Yesterday was a busy day of workshops, with Winter Bear teaching artists leading 12 different classes in Inupiaq Dance, Hip Hop, Movement, and Theatre Games.

Actor Brían Wescott (Sidney) helps some 2nd graders out in Inupiaq Dance class.
Like other schools in this area, many signs around the building are in Yup’ik and English, with certain rooms and classtimes devoted to preserving Yup’ik culture.

After a busy school day, The Winter Bear enjoyed performing for a very engaged all-ages audience. Afterwards, many children came up to dance with us during curtain call!

Actors Jake and Brían during our Curtain Call dance, “Pulling From Within.” Photo by Missy Rivers.

Actors Brían and Sarah are pretty thrilled about their Scammon Bay swag.

The cast enjoys a post-show sunset. Photo by Brían Wescott.
-Anne Hanley (Playwright/Producer)